Friday, June 19, 2009

Who I Am???

I look into the mirror reflection
And see who I am.
I feel so amused or maybe confused
Of the thoughts that run through my head.
Am I alive or am I dead.

A soul so numb, a body fully done.
A dud, standing rear. Sans friend, sans dear.
whole world’s my stage it helps cover my fear.

Melee is my life with intimate, love & career.
Do I have my own concern, do I have my own decree.
Without intention, without an aim,
Detached with all in the game.

You tell me you love me I tell you the same
I don't know who I am its a shame its insane

Is it destiny or time, Is it yours is it mine,
I don't know but I hope it comes soon
Because it HURTS
when you ask this to your self every day and in moon

Who I Am & why upset with life so soon?

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